Olurominiyi Ibitayo

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User Profile

Name: Olurominiyi Ibitayo
Member Since: August 3rd, 2006
Member Name: O.ibitayo

Dr. Olurominiyi Ibitayo is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Urban Planning and Environmental Policy, School of Public Affairs, Texas Southern University in Houston, Texas. Ibitayo's research interests and experience include environmental risk assessment, risk communication and emergency preparedness, ethnic minority environmental research and population-environment interrelationship. His recent publications which appeared in Risk Analysis, and forthcoming as a book chapter in Trends in Hazardous Materials Research, focused on agricultural pesticide use and/or misuse in rural Egypt and in sub-Sahara Africa respectively. Also, his publication in Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management investigated risk perceptions regarding indoor application of toxic agricultural pesticide while his recent work published in Journal of Hazardous Materials focused on policy and social responses to an industrial explosion. Ibitayo's publications on hazardous waste facility siting issues have appeared in Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy and Waste Management and Research. In addition, Ibitayo has publications on environmental justice issues, and has taught a wide variety of courses on environmental and natural resources policy, planning and management.

E-mail: ibitayo_oo@TSU.EDU Olurominiyi Ibitayo