Richard Rich

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Name: Richard Rich
Member Since: February 14th, 2006
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Richard Rich's areas of teaching and research include: environmental policy, public policy analysis, Urban ecology, citizen participation, and research methods. His research has been funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the National Science Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Mott Foundation, the National Institute of Justice, the National Institute for Chemical Studies and other organizations. He was named to the National Council for Science and the Environment, and the Virginia Natural Resources Leadership Council. He serves as the Director of Virginia Tech's Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials Studies. He has held fellowships from the Kellogg Foundation and National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, and was Benjamin Bannaker Professor of Metropolitan Area Affairs at George Washington University. He served as Editor of the State University of New York Press Urban Public Policy book series which won the Aaron Wildavsky Award for contributions to policy analysis.

E-mail: Richard Rich