Roger Bezdek

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User Profile

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Name: Roger Bezdek
Member Since: February 25th, 2007
Member Name: Roger.bezdek

Dr. Roger H. Bezdek, President, Management Information Services, Inc., has 30 years experience in research and management in the energy, utility, environmental, and regulatory areas, serving in private industry, academia, and the federal government, and is the founder and president of Management Information Services, Inc. - a Washington, D.C.-based economic and energy research firm. He has served as Corporate Director, Corporate President and CEO, University Professor, Research Director in Energy Research and Development Administration (Department of Energy), Special Advisor on Energy in the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury, U.S. energy delegate to the European Community and to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and as a participant in the State Department AMPART program. He has served as a consultant to the White House, Federal and state government agencies, and various corporations and research organizations, including the National Academies of Science, the National Science Foundation, NASA, DOE, DOD, EPA, IBM, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Commonwealth Edison, Eastman Kodak, Washington Gas Co., American Management Association, ICF, A.D. Little, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Electric Power Research Institute, Edison Electric Institute, National Coal Council, and Nuclear Energy Institute. During 2003/04, he served on the select Federal Task Force charged with rebuilding the economy of Iraq and is currently serving as a member of the joint U.S. National Academies of Science/Chinese Academy of Sciences Committee on Energy Futures and Air Pollution in Urban China and the United States.

Dr. Bezdek received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Illinois (Urbana), is an internationally recognized expert in energy market analysis, R&D assessment, and energy forecasting. He is the author of four books and of 200 articles in scientific and technical journals and serves as an editorial board member and peer-reviewer for various professional publications. He is the recipient of numerous honors and awards (including awards from the White House, the Energy Department, the Treasury Department, the National Science Foundation, the Wall Street Journal, the Association for Computing Machinery, and the USSR Academy of Sciences), has served as a U.S. representative to international organizations on energy and environmental issues, and lectures frequently on energy research issues, economic forecasting, energy, and environmental topics.