The Canada Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Internation

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Name: The Canada Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Internation
Member Since: December 7th, 2006
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The Woodrow Wilson Center established the Canada Institute to explore one of America's most important bilateral relationships, but one that gets far less attention in Washington than it deserves. For most Americans, Canada is—in the words of former U.S. Ambassador James Blanchard—"the invisible world next door."

To remedy this imbalance, the Canada Institute seeks to promote policy debate and analysis of key issues of bilateral concern between Canada and the United States; highlight the importance of the U.S.-Canada relationship, both in the United States and in Canada; increase knowledge about Canada among U.S. policymakers; create new channels of communication among scholars, business leaders, public officials, and non-governmental representatives in both countries; generate discussion about future visions for North America; and share relevant programming and publications with the appropriate partners in Canada to encourage dialogue on those issues with Canadian audiences.

The Canada Institute brings together top academics, government officials, and corporate leaders to explore key policy issues. The Institute sponsors seminars, conferences, and research projects and works regularly with Canadian universities and research institutions. The Institute has formed a partnership with the Toronto-based Canada Institute on North American Issues, to help disseminate its programming and research findings.

The Institute has set up an annual Fulbright Chair for a distinguished Canadian scholar-in-residence at the Wilson Center.

Website: Homepage

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