Center for Catastrophic Risk Management

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User Profile

Name: Center for Catastrophic Risk Management
Member Since: January 30th, 2011
Member Name: ccrm
Last Logged In: January 31st, 2011

The Center for Catastrophic Risk Management (CCRM) is a group of academic researchers and practitioners who recognize the need for interdisciplinary solutions to avoid and mitigate tragic events. This group of internationally recognized experts in the fields of engineering, social science, medicine, public health, public policy, and law was formed following the mismanagement and tragic consequences of Hurricane Katrina to formulate ways for researchers and experts to share their lifesaving knowledge and experience with industry and government.

CCRM members and affiliates present seminars, perform analyses, and do focused research to assist industries and organizations to implement their own improvements in safety, economy, and efficiency. Greater competence and increased capacity to manage human error and natural events benefit the practitioner and the public as well as the bottom line.

CCRM’s international membership provides experience across cultures and industries that demonstrate widespread susceptibility to pervasive threats and the inadequacy of popular, checklist-based remedies that are unlikely to serve in the face of truly challenging problems. CCRM members’ and affiliates’ recent accomplishments, ranging from Captain Sully Sullenberger’s performance in crisis to several best selling texts on high reliability leadership and problem solving, support the relevance and effectiveness of these approaches.

To learn more about CCRM, visit