Nuclear (main)

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  • Nuclear Power Plants Featured Article Nuclear Power Plants Nuclear Power Plants
    Nuclear power has major advantages. It is “clean” in the sense that it neither releases significant amounts of greenhouse gases nor particulate air pollutants.... More »
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Nuclear power plants.jpg Nuclear Power Plants Last Updated on 2010-12-16 00:00:00 Nuclear power has major advantages. It is “clean” in the sense that it neither releases significant amounts of greenhouse gases nor particulate air pollutants. Known reserves of fissionable materials can supply nuclear power plants at the current rate for roughly 50 years. [1] If the price of uranium were to rise above $200 per kilogram, exploration for new sources, new nuclear reactor technologies, and fuel rod reprocessing have the potential to supply nuclear fuel for several centuries. [2] Location of nuclear power plants. World map indicating operating nuclear power plants. International Nuclear Safety Center 2009. Nuclear power plants harness the energy released during nuclear fission. In this process, unstable (radioactive) isotopes of uranium (235U) or plutonium (239Pu) in fuel rods expel neutrons and... More »