Aldo Leopold (Additional Resources)

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This article is part of the Aldo Leopold Collection.

Various sections of this collection (Aldo Leopold Collection) contain information about books and other references that interested readers can use to learn in more detail about Aldo Leopold's life and work. In addition, several organizations and awards named in honor of Aldo Leopold are listed in the Legacy section. Below are some additional resources that readers may find helpful.


  • Dunlap, Julie and Antonio Castro. 1993. Aldo Leopold: Living with the Land. Millbrook Press, Brookfield, CT. (For younger readers).
  • Flader, Susan with Charles Steinhacker, 1973. The Sand Country of Aldo Leopold. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco. ISBN: 0871560755.
  • Lorbiecki, Marybeth. 1996. A Fierce Green Fire, an illustrated biography. Falcon Publishing Co., Helena, MT. ISBN: 0762736631.
  • McCabe, Robert. 1987. Aldo Leopold, The Professor. Palmer Publications, Amherst, WI. ISBN: 0910122989.
  • Ross, John and Beth Ross. 1998. Prairie Time: The Leopold Reserve Revisited. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. ISBN: 0299156605.


Founded by Aldo Leopold’s children, the Wisconsin-based foundation works to promote the legacy of Aldo Leopold by fostering the care of natural resources and an ethical relationship between people and the land. The foundation also manages the Leopold Memorial Reserve, known as “the shack” and made famous by Leopold’s essays in A Sand County Almanac.</dd>
A collection of Leopold’s vast legacy of journals, papers, manuscripts, letters, photographs and more, managed in association with the Aldo Leopold Foundation.</dd>
Aldo Leopold is one of six charter inductees to this Hall of Fame “dedicated to the heroes of the American environmental movement.” </dd>
This web site of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources features a brief biography called “Aldo Leopold: Father of Wildlife Management” and other books about Aldo Leopold written for children. </dd>


Barakatt, C. (2008). Aldo Leopold (Additional Resources). Retrieved from