Fatality rate for U.S. offshore oil and gas workers

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The Gulf of Mexico is peppered with thousands of oil platforms. Credit: NOAA
Data on the Deepwater Horizon disaster (main)

Data on the oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico

February 6, 2011, 12:00 am
March 18, 2011, 6:49 pm

Data on the Deepwater Horizon main page

Department of the Interior / Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE)

  • Federal Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Production Statistics(.xls) - By month and summarized annually, 2001-2009. Outer Continental Shelf consists of Gulf of Mexico, Pacific and Alaska regions. - {Download Excel-icon.png.jpeg}* Oil and Gas Well Drilling on Federal Offshore Leases Since 1960 (.xls) - Well and borehole are used interchangeably in these data, and no distinction is made between exploration and production well drilling in the figures. - {Download Excel-icon.png.jpeg}* All Lease Offerings in the Gulf of Mexico, Outer Continental Shelf Region (.xls) - All lease offerings since 1954, including data on number of tracts and acres offered, bid on, and dollar amounts. - {Download Excel-icon.png.jpeg}* Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Operators (.xls) - Top ten oil and gas producers in the OCS region in CY 2008, ranked by volume. - {Download Excel-icon.png.jpeg}* Gulf of Mexico OCS Incidents (.xls) - Incidents and spills by category (i.e. fatalities, injuries, fires, etc.) from 2006-2010. - {Download Excel-icon.png.jpeg}

Data on the Deepwater Horizon main page


Nomack, M. (2011). Data on the oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico. Retrieved from http://editors.eol.org/eoearth/wiki/fatality_rate_for_U.S._offshore_oil_and_gas_workers