La Cour, Poul

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September 8, 2006, 7:46 pm

Poul La Cour (1846-1908), a Danish pioneer of modern aerodynamics and electricity-generating wind turbines. La Cour was initially concerned with the storage of energy, and he used the electricity from his wind turbines for electrolysis in order to produce hydrogen for the gas lighting in the Askov Folk High School in Askov, Denmark. La Cour conducted many of his experiments in a wind tunnel that he built himself. La Cour founded the Society of Wind Electricians in 1905, and was the founding publisher of The Journal of Wind Electricity, the world's first journal of wind electricity. In 1918, some 120 local utilities in Denmark had a wind turbine, ranging in size from 20 to 35 kilowatts, for a total of about 3 megawatts of installed power, supplying about 3 percent of Danish electricity consumption at the time.

Further Reading
Paul la Cour Information (Poul la Cour Museum)
The Wind Energy Pioneer - Poul la Cour (Danish Wind Energy Association)


Cleveland, C. (2006). La Cour, Poul. Retrieved from,_Poul