BP oil spill cleanup technology ideas video series

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June 12, 2011, 12:00 am
June 13, 2011, 5:34 am
Source: C-Span 2

Part 1

The Science & Technology Subcommittee on Energy & Environment starts its 2 panel discussion with scientists and federal officials about new technologies to clean up the BP oil spill. Representitives Baird, Hall, and Gordon, give their opening remarks.

Speakers: Rep. Brian Baird, D-Washington, Science & Technology Subcommittee on Energy & Environment- Chairman; Rep. Ralph Hall R-Texas, 4th District; Rep. Bart Gordon, D-Tennessee, 6th District, Chairman of the Full Committee.

Part 2

Douglas Helton, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States) Incident Operations Coordinator, discusses the role of NOAA in oil spill response situations and specifically about the NOAA's current needs regarding the Deepwater Horizon oil spill response. Captain Anthony Lloyd testifies about federal and coast guard oil spill response, research, and accomplishments.

Speakers: Douglas Helton, NOAA Incident Operations Coordinator; Capt. Anthony Lloyd, U.S. Coast Guard Office of Incident Management & Preparedness-Chief

Part 3

Capt. Anthony Lloyd continues his discussion about the Coast Guard's role in oil spill response. Sharon Buffington details the activities and research of the Minerals Management Service in the Gulf as well as OHMSETT, the national oil spill response and renewable energy test facility. Dr. Albert Venosa discusses the EPA's oil spill response program.

Speakers: Capt. Anthony Lloyd, U.S. Coast Guard Office of Incident Management & Preparedness-Chief; Sharon Buffington, Minerals Management Service Offshore Energy Engineering & Research Chief; Dr. Albert Venosa, National Risk Management Research Laboratory Land Remediation & Pollution Control Director

Part 4

Representative Baird questions Dr. Albert Venosa about the extent of knowledge known of the dangers of drilling in the Gulf before applications were approved. Representative Hall asks the pannel about the influx of ideas for oil spill clean up since the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and about the research and technology gained in the last twenty years using federal funding prompted by the Exxon Valdez spill.

Speakers: Rep. Brian Baird, D-Washington, Science & Technology Subcommittee on Energy & Environment- Chairman; Dr. Albert Venosa, National Risk Management Research Laboratory Land Remediation & Pollution Control Director; Rep. Ralph Hall R-Texas, 4th District; Douglas Helton, NOAA Incident Operations Coordinator; Capt. Anthony Lloyd, U.S. Coast Guard Office of Incident Management & Preparedness-Chief

Part 5

Douglas Helton, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States), and Capt. Anthony Lloyd, U.S. Coast Guard, respond to Representative Gordon's question about the United States' interatctions with the International Spill Control Organization (London) as well as talk about the international best practice standards for spill clean up. Sharon Buffington responds to Representative Vernon Ehlers question about MMS' inadequacy in responding to the BP oil spill and talks about a "research gap" still missing in deep water drilling.

Speakers:Douglas Helton, NOAA Incident Operations Coordinator; Capt. Anthony Lloyd, U.S. Coast Guard Office of Incident Management & Preparedness-Chief, Sharon Buffington, Minerals Management Service Offshore Energy Engineering & Research Chief; Rep. Lynn Woosley D-California; Rep. Vernon Ehlers R-Michigan

Part 6

Representative Lynn Woosley asks the panel about which governmental agencies should lead the response to spills. Representative Judy Biggert asks the panel to discuss the effects of oil dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico and to discuss future dispersant technology.

Speakers:Rep. Lynn Woosley D-California; Douglas Helton, NOAA Incident Operations Coordinator; Capt. Anthony Lloyd, U.S. Coast Guard Office of Incident Management & Preparedness-Chief, Rep. Judy Biggert R-Illinois; Dr. Albert Venosa, National Risk Management Research Laboratory Land Remediation & Pollution Control Director, Rep. John Garamendi D-California

Part 7

Representative John Garamendi asks Capt. Anthony Lloyd about the effectiveness of response mechanisms and preparedness framework for oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico aswell as for a review of the initial response to the spill. Representative Diaz-Balart continues the discussion on preparedness and asks about the effects of dispersants on wildlife. Representative Dahlkemper asks about the clean up organizations preparedness for a hurricane effects on deepwater drilling.

Speakers: Rep. John Garamendi D-California ; Capt. Anthony Lloyd, U.S. Coast Guard Office of Incident Management & Preparedness-Chief; Rep, Mario Diaz-Balart R-Florida; Dr. Albert Venosa, National Risk Management Research Laboratory Land Remediation & Pollution Control Director, Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper D-Pennsylvania

Part 8

The panel answers Representative Dahlkemper's question about hurricanes and oil spills specifically in regards to Hurricane Alex. Dahlkemper also asks for suggestions for clean up technologies in which BP should invest. Representative Douglas Helton shares his opinion that the government has had incorrect priorities regarding environmental research and that the oil industry has been forced to drill in risky locations. Douglas Helton discusses spilt oil range forecasting.

Speakers: Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper D-Pennsylvania, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher; Capt. Anthony Lloyd, U.S. Coast Guard Office of Incident Management & Preparedness-Chief; Douglas Helton, NOAA Incident Operations Coordinator, Rep. Paul Tanko D-New York

Part 9

Representative Paul Tanko asks the panel about the increase investment in offshore oil technology called for by the 1997 report by the Interagency Coordinating Committee on Oil Pollution Research. Captain. Anthony Lloyd responds to the accusation that the governmental watchdog has become too close the oil industry. Representative Bilbray questions the capability of government agencies to clean up oil spills without the help of private secter and questions the safety of dispersants. Representative Matheson asks Sharon Buffington to compare the United States' regulations on offshore drilling to the regulations of other countries.

Speakers: Rep. Paul Tanko, D-New York; Capt. Anthony Lloyd, U.S. Coast Guard Office of Incident Management & Preparedness-Chief; Rep. Brian Bilbray, R-California; Dr. Albert Venosa, National Risk Management Research Laboratory Land Remediation & Pollution Control Director; Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah; Sharon Buffington, Minerals Management Service Offshore Energy Engineering & Research Chief

Part 10

The panel discusses the difficulties involved with calculating the amount of oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico. Representative Ben Lujan comments on the inadequacy of safety tests for deep water drilling. Representative Pete Olson asks the panel to explain the delays in response to the spill aswell as about the lack of uniformity in use of dispersants.

Speakers: Capt. Anthony Lloyd, U.S. Coast Guard Office of Incident Management & Preparedness-Chief; Dr. Albert Venosa, National Risk Management Research Laboratory Land Remediation & Pollution Control Director;Douglas Helton, NOAA Incident Operations Coordinator; Rep. Pete Olson, R-Texas; Rep. Ben Jujan, D-New Mexico

Part 11

The 2nd panel begins with introductory statements. Jeffrey Short explains the need for technology that can more effectively locate spilt oil in the ocean. Dr. Samantha Joye discusses the extent of pollution in the Gulf of Mexico and the lack of information about the long term impacts of the spill and clean up strategies.

Speakers: Rep. Brian Baird, D-Washington, Science & Technology Subcommittee on Energy & Environment, Chairman; Jeffrey Short, Pacific Science Director of Oceana; Dr. Samantha Joye, University of Georgia, Marine Sciences Professor

Part 12

Dr. Joye finishes her opening statement talking about the difficulties involved in sampling oil laden water. Dr. Richard Haut delivers his testimony which discusses research projects to minimize delays in response time to oil spills and valuate ecosystems. Nancy Kinner delivers her testimony talking about the lack of "funding for oil spill research", "coordination between stakeholders in the oil clean up community", and "robust peer review for research projects".

Speakers: Richard Haut, Houston Advanced Research Center, Senior Research Scientist; Dr. Samantha Joye, University of Georgia, Marine Sciences Professor; Nancy Kinner, University of New Hampshire, Coastal Response Research Center, Co-Director

Part 13

Kevin Costner delivers his opening statement discussing his entrepreneurship in the oil spill clean up field since the Exxon Valdez spill as well as his centrifuge technology. Representative Baird begins questioning the panel by asking about the profits earned by the oil industry.

Speakers: Kevin Costner, Actor & Ocean Therapy Solutions Partner; Rep. Brian Baird, D-Washington, Science & Technology Subcommittee on Energy & Environment- Chairman

Part 14

The panel compares oil industry profits to oil industry investment in clean up research. Dr. Joye discusses the consequences of oil spills causing algal blooms. Dr. Haut further discusses his ideas for oil spill warning systems aswell as a how to approriate research funds. Dr. Short questions the ethicacy of dispersants.

Speakers: Rep. Brian Baird, D-Washington, Science & Technology Subcommittee on Energy & Environment- Chairman; Jeffrey Short, Pacific Science Director of Oceana; Dr. Samantha Joye, University of Georgia, Marine Sciences Professor; Richard Haut, Houston Advanced Research Center, Senior Research Scientist; Jeffrey Short, Pacific Science Director of Oceana; Rep. Judy Biggert, R-Illinois; Kevin Cosnter, Actor & Ocean Therapy Solutions Partnet

Part 15

The panel discusses the barriers between researched technology and practical use of such technology. Rep. Gordon and Kevin Costner discuss the cap on oil industry financial responsibility. Costner talks about previous regulatory roadblocks to the implementation of his technology.

Speakers: Rep. Bart Gordon, D-Tennessee; Nancy Kinner, University of New Hampshire, Coastal Response Research Center, Co-Director; Dr. Richard Haut, Houston Advanced Research Center, Senior Research Scientist; Kevin Costner, Actor & Ocean Therapy Solutions Partner; Rep. Dana Rohrabacher R-California

Part 16

Dr. Nancy Kinner discusses the need for on water testing of oil spill clean up technology, an oppurtunity currently present in Canada but not in the United States. Representative Woosley asks about what kind of organization should be in charge of oilspill response.

Speakers: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-California; Rep. Lynn Woosley, D-California; Nancy Kinner, University of New Hampshire, Coastal Response Research Center, Co-Director; Kevin Costner, Actor & Ocean Therapy Solutions Partner

Part 17

Kevin Costner addresses the question of his conflict of interests promoting a technology from which he profits. Representative Baird asks the panel about the environmental impacts of dispersants. Dr. Kinner concludes that the use of dispersants for the BP spill "was less environmentally harmful" than allowing the oil to reach the shorelines. The panel discusses the issues of cost effectiveness of clean up technologies.

Speakers: Kevin Costner, Actor & Ocean Therapy Solutions Partner; Rep. Brian Baird, D-Washington; Dr. Nancy Kinner, University of New Hampshire, Coastal Response Research Center; Rep. Judy Biggert, R-Illinois

Part 18

Dr. Short discusses the need for field testing in the United States for oil spill clean up technology. Dr. Short also talks about the mechanical inadequacy to skim oil that necesitated the use of dispersants. Dr. Joye describes how the oceanic impacts of oil has not recieved enough attention.

Speakers: Dr. Richard Haut, Houston Advanced Research Center, Senior Research Scientist; Dr. Jeffrey Short, Pacific Science Director of Oceana; Dr. Samantha Joye, University of Georgia, Marine Sciences Professor; Rep. Judy Biggert, R-Illinois.

Part 19

Rep. Baird addresses the the externalities the oil industry is not required to pay for in regards to oil spill clean up. Rep. Gordon asks the panel to recomend which areas of research the government should invest in for the future.

Speakers: Rep. Brian Baird, D-Washington, Science & Technology Subcommittee on Energy & Environment, Chairman; Rep. Lynn Woosley, D-California; Rep. Bart Gordon, D-Tennessee, 6th District, Chairman of the Full Committee; Kevin Costner, Actor & Ocean Therapy Solutions Partner.


(2011). BP oil spill cleanup technology ideas video series. Retrieved from http://editors.eol.org/eoearth/wiki/BP_oil_spill_cleanup_technology_ideas_video_series