Alley, Richard (People)

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Source: Pennsylvania State University.
People (main)

Alley, Richard

July 27, 2011, 12:00 am
May 7, 2012, 7:30 pm
Source: NASA

Richard Alley (1957 - ) is the Evan Pugh Professor of the Department of Geosciences and EMS Environment Institute at Pennsylvania State University.

Richard Alley

His current research interests include glaciology; ice sheet stability; paleoclimates from ice cores; physical properties of ice cores; and erosion and sedimentation by ice sheets. Along with his many teaching accomplishments, Dr. Alley has authored many publications with several papers in the journals Nature and Science, chaired the National Academy of Sciences and National Council's panel on abrupt climate change, has been involved with advisory groups to improve national and international research, and has been active with media outreach translate research findings to a broad audience with appearances on television, radio and print outlets.

In 1999, Alley was invited to testify about climate change by Vice President Al Gore, in 2003 by the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and before the U.S. House Committee on Science and Technology in 2007 and again in 2010.

In 2000, he published the book The Two-Mile Time Machine: Ice Cores, Abrupt Climate Change, and Our Future.

He has appeared in numerous climate change-related television documentaries and has given many public presentations and media interviews about the subject. He is one of the most influential people in the climate change field who is working on different aspect of climate change, making people and government aware of what can happen.

Alley is one of several Penn State earth scientists who are contributors to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which shared the 2007 Nobel Prize with Al Gore

Dr. Alley received his Masters and Bachelor's degrees in Geology at Ohio State University (1983, 1980) and Ph.D. in Geology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1987). He also served as a post-doctoral research assistant at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1987-88).


Bista, D. (2012). Alley, Richard. Retrieved from,_Richard_(People)



Deepesh Bista (Author) wrote: 01-23-2012 07:49:48

Thank you Tom for the info.

Default member avatar 80x80 scale.jpg

Earth Tom wrote: 08-01-2011 04:36:01

Richard Alley also hosts a new PBS series called Earth: The Operators' Manual. This TV+online+on-site initiative uses Earth science to explain our climate history and describe sustainable energy options. Episode 1 and more info on the series can be found at